We did some rock picking in our arena (I know not original since we did that with the girl from the night before but the arena really needs the work.) Then our guest got to pick which horse she wanted to ride and we learned some basic riding tools. (go, stop, left and right) It took awhile for her to get over being scared. The wind was blowing softly and I could just imagine how it felt on horseback. I asked her if she felt like she was flying. She put one arm out and then switched arms. After a few more times around, she put both arm out and said she really felt like she was flying. What an awesome feeling.
Last night was a 4-H ride night. One of our girls painted her horse's hooves with sparkles. That was fun. It was quite hot so after a while the girls took off their saddles and went bareback. Then it was time for snacks. Drumsticks on bareback. It was an awesome summer night.

I also finally got the picture taken of my blog spot at home. My family calls it my nest. I have everything I need close at hand. Our 4-H scrapbook is on the hearth so I can look at it for inspiration, one shelf on the book case has my horse books. Hope Rising, Bridge Called Hope (both by Kim Meeder) Chicken Soup for the horse lovers soul, She flies without wings, Natural Horsemanship (Pat Parelli), Horse Follow Closely, The Tao of Equus,the Farway Horses and my most recent purchase Downunder Horsemanship.
Any how, I wind up sitting on the floor with my laptop or on the couch with my feet on the table and computer balanced on my lap. It is not fancy but it works for me. I only wish I was totally wireless but I am still with (phone) cord.
Sounds like a great day! Nothing better than being on a horse!
Love your computer space! Need to do mine! That Pony Girl is a hoot!
I have meet great fellow horsey bloggers! What a blessing!
Your space looks comfy! I like the book Hope Rising by Kim Meeder, too. I have to finish it and get her other one. I cry a lot when reading it! ;)
I have wireless service, but I still have the cord, because it is not routed through my place yet!
Hey Pony Girl, thanks for playing the game. I have found so many new sites that I am enjoying. As for Kim's book, I had to have tissues beside me the whole time. She is working on a third book that is due out Sept. of next year. I am already looking forward to reading it.
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