So we have been waiting for over 9 months for our friends baby to arrive. Our friend's children are in our 4-H club and when they got the horse last fall they knew she was pregnant but not how far along. We have been on high alert for weeks now as mom has been showing signs that the time was near. She dropped her plug weeks ago and nothing happened. (for those unknowing the plug is the mom's mucus plug that keeps the uterus sealed.)
Next came mom's nesting. She was digging at the dirt, pacing and sweating tons. My friend placed straw under the shelter. We thought for sure it would be any day. Nope.
Finally on Monday my friend called from work and said that today was the day. She called a little while later and said they were the proud parents of a baby colt. I waited about an hour to give mom and baby and other mom time to bond. Everyone is doing well and I was thrilled to see my first baby under 4 hours old. I have seen 4 month olds but nothing any younger.
I took our two girls (ages 9 and 11) out to see the pair and we took LOTS of pictures. Here are a few of them.

Mom was such a good lady. She had 4 children and 2 eager adults watching as her baby eats. They are both Bashkir Curly's.

As I watched them both, I thought how much more comfortable mom looks. She has been HUGE for so long and we have had many days over 100 in the last month.

So the waiting is over and now the 4-H club will be able to watch and learn about a baby growing up. I hope to be able to use the baby to show many different aspects of natural horsemanship. His human mom is very patient and will probably be happy to show the kids different ways of working with youngsters.
So here is the Hurry up part . . . .

Have I mentioned that my daughter is a speed junkie? Well she and her horse are. The faster they go the better they both like it. I believe the horse may like it even more than the rider.

The only probablem is that the faster my daughter asks her to go the less she listens and the more she just wants to go.

G. is working hard to go to our areas gaming day that is before our fair. She has tried to go two times before and something has always happened. The first year she took my boy who had been a race horse in his younger years. Unfortunately the gaming is on the inside of a race track. G. took him out on the track and followed my rules very closely. 1- don't race ANYONE, 2- don't go down the straight away, 3- don't go faster than a trot. I neglected to inform my horse of the rules. 1- listen to the girl, 2- no bucking, and 3- NO THROWING the girl off. He got on the track and wanted to G-O. The daughter followed her rules and held him back. He did not like that and began bucking and eventually threw her off.
Now the part I have not shared is I told G. that if I saw anything that scared me that she would have to get off and be done. When Addy went to bucking I could only stand and watch until she went off. At that point I went running and she was crying so hard I just knew we would have to go to the ER. When she finally stopped and I could ask what was wrong all she said was "You're not going to let me back on are you?" She was not upset by the bucking or being thrown. She was only upset because she knew I would not allow her to do the gaming that night.
Thus ended our first try at the gaming night. Fast forward one year. She is now on her own horse Andy. He is a rock solid Quarter Horse that has only bucked in the field. She goes to run the poles which are first and he takes one look at the grandstand and thinks it must be a horse eating machine because he wanted nothing to do with it. She completed the poles, keyhole, and the stake race. She was disqualified in all but the keyhole. However Andy bucked in all events and made her work for what she got.
Again fast forward one more year and that is where we are now. She is using a friends horse that is quite well trained but also can get very excited, so we will see how this year goes. We have had two strikes and if this year is like the past two I may be out for good. I will let you know after the end of August when we have our fair. Wish us luck. :-)