Several weeks ago I posted pictures of the horse that my husband really wants. Well, we brought him to live with our other boys on Tuesday. He seems to be settling in quite well. We have renamed him, AJ. We figured that since we have Addy, and Andy we needed an A name for this horse too. I like to say that it stands for Apple Jack, but my husband doesn’t like that name so I don’t let him hear me say that. (of course that would be easier if he wasn’t looking over my shoulder as I am writing this.)
It was never too hard to convince my husband to go to the barn, but now it is even easier. We have been out every day since we got the horse. He really does have a good time walking, brushing and working with AJ. So do I. I am trying to not get too attached myself. I go out each day while hubby is at work then he comes out after work to play.
Our oldest daughter G had a friend spend the night last night so while her dad played with his horse the girls rode and played themselves. It was such a nice time.

G has outgrown her old saddle and has been borrowing one from someone at the barn where we board. It has gotten increasingly difficult to ride because she and I never know when the saddle will be available and when it won’t. G had picked out a saddle months ago that she really wanted, and I began saving for it. I wasn’t sure how long it would take but I was going to do the best I could to get it for her. Well I found out that the store is going out of business and so there was nothing left to do but be there the first day to get it. I just knew that it would not be left if I was not the first one through the door. I wasn’t first but I was about 5th. I did get the saddle, and just in time. As I walked out the door someone commented that if I had not bought it, they would have. G. was very much surprised!
Then we discovered that the stirrups did not go up high enough for her short legs. We took it to a local saddle maker. He punched holes in as far up as possible and they are still too long. Aargh. Ok so now I have bought new stirrups that make it a very close fit. We will make do with what we have now. Of course the saddle did not come with a cinch, breast collar or back cinch. For now the breast collar and back cinch will have to wait but we will have to get the cinch.
This picture shows that we are currently trying to train the fenders to bend to keep the pressure off her ankles. She is worried that the twisting and broom stick will hurt the saddle but I assured her that it will only make it easier to ride in.
Your man got his Boy! ;) AJ is a cute name. He has lovely face markings. Are you going to register his as a Paint, too? I hope your hubby enjoys getting to know his new horse. He can do a lot of good groundwork to get to know him and keep those nippy manners at bay, hee! ;)
Yeah! A new friend at the barn! Can't wait to meet AJ - he sure is beautiful. Also glad to hear that work issues seem to be resolved. Say a prayer that mine will be too, soon. Yes, my position was given to someone else in the district with more seniority, so I am currently unemployed. Makes me kinda anxious since we are so far away and I haven't been able to do anything to change the situation. But we fly out of Rome in a couple of days.... See you soon!
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