I can't remember being with such wonderful people. Everyone is gracious, loving, patient and kind. (Sounds familiar? The gifts of the spirit? love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness and self control) Each person here is open and willing to share their dream and want to hear about yours. What an awesome time.
We started this morning with time of prayer and worship and then went outside for our first session of the day. Clint Surplus came to share with us about TRU horsemanship even though his wife was at home in labor with their 4th child. He did a riding demonstration for us showing nice transitions, lead changes, side passes, haunch turns, forhand turns and stops that were instant. He then moved his horse into the round pen and removed all aids, his spurs, bridle, saddle. Then he remounted (no aid to mount either) and used bailing twine and a bungy cord to repeat all previous manuevers. He also had his horse bow and lay down. I want to do that with Addy.
This is a picture of Clint with his horse Turbo. I am hoping that Clint will come to our All Things Horses clinic in March of 2009.
After Clint's session we had a break then moved into the Heard Management session. We met in the hay barn to help protect us from the wind. The weather is quite beautiful. The weather channel has been calling for rain for the past two days and we have seen none. Thank you Lord. This hay barn is quite wonderful and I wish I could bring some of the hay home with us. During the session I didn't learn much new information but was definitely affirmed. I do have a dream of having the horses "running" together in a field intead of all seperate stalls. Maybe one day we will have a place where the boys can be together. Of course that would require Andy sharing better with Addy. They are such siblings. LOL
During another break, Kim Meeder can be found spending time with the participants getting to know them, laughing with them and sharing in their visions.

This is Hannalei. We first met her 2 years ago when we visited the ranch for the first time. My daughter R. fell in love with her and I promised lots of pictures. The lady in the picture had been spending time with Hannalei and felt her love and magnatism too.
Hannalei is an inquisitive 2 year old. Someone left their backpack close to the pen and Hannalei leaned over and grabbed it.
She pulled it closer . . .

. . . and closer.
This is Hannalei. We first met her 2 years ago when we visited the ranch for the first time. My daughter R. fell in love with her and I promised lots of pictures. The lady in the picture had been spending time with Hannalei and felt her love and magnatism too.
. . . and closer.
Today was an awesome day with affirmation that I do want to follow this dream. I want to help encourage children and families. I want these children and families to feel loved, and capable of more than they ever imagined possible.
Tomorrow we will again have a time of prayer and worship, another session on horsemanship, learn about volunteer programing, common mistakes, lessons, and fundraising. I am so excited to unwrap the gifts of tomorrow.
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