Well, the weather here has been a bit strange this spring. The crops are late and the horses are obviously still experiencing spring fever.
After the show on Saturday we decided it would be nice to let Andy out on the pasture. He is normally kept in a stall and run area but we figured he had earned a rest out on the field where he could move around more and eat grass as God intended. He ran and ran and ran, and played and bucked. He did so much playing that he apparently pulled some muscles. We figure this is the case since he wouldn't move around much after being put back in his stall Sunday morning. His legs swelled to the size of small tree trunks. Actually they were only the size of each hoof but still. We visited yesterday and walked him a little hoping that some movement would help with circulation. Then my husband stood and hosed down each leg, hoping that the cool water would also help. It must have because when I went out this morning his legs looked much better. I figured I would repeat the process. I walked him a little then hosed. I am hoping that tomorrow morning he looks even better.
Andy was not the only one feeling good. Addy also got to spend some time in the field and must have also played too hard. This morning when I got on to ride he was not flexing as easily as normal. I particularly noticed that he would not flex to the right. He also was off in the hind end during our cantering times. I went ahead and cooled him down and put him away. I made a call to the massage therapist that visited last week and asked if he could return. He squeezed us in this afternoon and spent another hour and half working on Addy. Our best guess is that he felt so good from the last massage that he played too hard and ended up hurting his hind end. Neither of us remembered him being anywhere near as sore in the rear end as he demonstrated today. Here's hoping that he too is feeling much better when I go out tomorrow morning to check on him.
I am getting very excited to go to Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch next week. I leave next Tuesday and will be able to spend 3 days at the ranch learning more about how they do what they do. The ranch uses abused and neglected horses to minister to abused and neglected children. Both learn about hope and healing from each other. I SO want to be a part of bringing a similar ranch to our area. Please send your prayers and positive energy my way as I try to begin this ministry that is burning in my heart. There are so many children and families that are hurting and need a place where they feel safe and can experience healing and love. I want to be a part of providing that.
Since it is very late I will end here tonight. I hope the boys (this is how I often refer to Addy and Andy) show improvement when I see them in the morning.
Let's Get to It
5 years ago
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