I am HOME and so excited. I had a fantastic time at Crystal Peaks. I originally thought it odd that the clinic ended on Saturday, but found it very nice to be able to attend my home church this morning.
I have so much that I would like to share with everyone. The best analogy that I have to describe how I feel is labor. It is as though I have been pregnant for four years (the amount of time from the first time I read Kim’s book and began working with a group that wanted to do a similar horse ministry until now). After attending the clinic this past week I feel as though the doctor has finally said “I can see the baby’s head, it is time to push”. It is exciting and scary all at the same time. I am now feeling the need, the “urge” to tell others about the ministry, what I have been doing, who we want to serve, why we want to serve them and the outcome we are hoping for. It is uncomfortable (what labor isn’t), it hurts a little (especially when a few don’t’ see the dream) but I know that once I push through the pain and fear, there is going to be this wonderful “baby” in the end to love and cherish. Shane added “the sleepless nights are coming”. He makes me laugh and I love him so much.
While I was at the clinic I realized what a blessing Shane is to me. Many were there and shared that their spouse (some wives but mostly husbands) did not share their dream / vision and not only did they not share it they also did encourage the attendee to pursue their “calling”. I have to say that through it all Shane has encouraged me to follow the dream / calling as long as I felt called. Over the last two to three years, he has actively joined me in the dream. He is looking forward to birth and was very sad that he was not able to attend the clinic with my friend and me.
On Friday the name of our ministry finally came to me. I have been wrestling with the name for years. Possible names included Horse Dreams, Hoof Haven, Majestic Manes, and Tuesday’s Child Youth Ranch. However the name is Pastures of Peace Youth Ranch (POPYR). Those attending will be our little poppers. LOL. I shared the name with my friend and she really liked it. I had to share it with Shane too. He had a name that he really liked but it just didn’t seem quite right to me. Once I shared with him the name, he agreed that it was a very good name indeed. I have always said that the barn is where I find peace. It is the one place where nothing can touch me, I am protected there. I pray that the ranch is able to provide that same peace and protection for all who come.
During the clinic we were talked to about the process for setting up our own ranch. Picking a name, having a 13 second blurb that will tell everyone the who, what, why and hows of the ministry. I have also been thinking about these things since talking with a dear friend that gave us pointers on how to apply for grants. However nothing had really gelled or crystallized for me. Well, today while sitting in church it all came to me in a matter of two minutes.
Pastures of Peace Youth Ranch will use its facilities and horses to serve children in foster care, low income children and families and anyone in need of personal, emotional, relational, or physical healing or enrichment. All of this will be provided free of charge. Always, no exceptions! We will share the love and peace of Jesus to all who enter in hopes they will be reached, rescued, and restored for the Lord. We seek others who have a desire to pray for us, participate with us and / or provide for this ministry.
We have our name, our vision and our calling; we even have children already coming and more desiring to come. The next steps for us are to file for Articles of incorporation, obtain EIN, build our board of directors, draft and approve our by laws, draft and approve our Conflict-of-Interest Policy, and file for our 501 ( c ) (3) status. While at the clinic we were introduced to a cpa that has helped many ranches do all of these things quickly and efficiently. It will cost around $1000 for the cpa and $750 for the filing of the non-profit status. So it is clear that we already have financial needs. We have faith that God has called us and will provide.
We also have a need for the permanent location. We believe that we will begin where we are but it won’t be able to be the permanent location. Please pray with us that the Lord shows and brings forth His desired ranch. Then we will know that it is His will and He is the true Director of the ministry.
I hope you all will join me in praying for the birth of our beautiful baby Pastures of Peace Youth Ranch. THANK YOU!
Let's Get to It
5 years ago
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