Yesterday G. invited a friend to come out to the barn with us. I must admit so far that has been what our ministry has looked like. Either the girls or I invite someone out to the barn with us we do some cleaning then do some riding. Yesterday however was a bit more focused. The girls did do some cleaning in the stalls and grooming of the horses, then rode, but I was more intentional in helping them ride and talking with them. A. who came with G. has ridden with us and with other people before so she has some skills. She really wanted to trot, so I explained how to ask Addy to trot. She squeezed with her legs and he would not go. I told her that she would have to squeeze harder, but she gave up. I did come along side and jogged next to him to get him to go. She was mostly happy with that.
Another 4-H member was out at the barn practicing and she had brought a friend along too. Since the 4-H member is leasing a horse her friend was unable to ride but like most little girls she wanted to ride too. I talked with her and asked if she would like to ride Addy. She was delighted. She got on and rode around and mostly followed her friend. After walking around for just a lap, she asked if she could trot. I told her that she needed to practice steering and stopping before trotting. After a few more laps she asked again. I told her she could try and ask him for a trot. I explained how to give the cue to trot and she tried, and tried, and tried. Addy for his part said “no”. I explained that Addy was letting her know that she is not yet ready. She has to first learn to steer, and communicate with him before he will trust her, and go faster. I invited her to return and ride with us again and I would help her learn how to ride. She smiled. J
Last night I was looking through the binder we were given at the clinic and trying to figure out what parts I can do while waiting to file articles of incorporation. Shane has drafted a logo for us. It is the letters p, o, p intertwined in a vertical pattern with a rope look. As soon as I can figure out how to put it on the computer I will show you. I want to find someone who can turn the sketch into a real logo, letterhead and brand for the ministry.
I was also trying to figure out a mission statement. I falsely thought that the vision statement I told you about a few days ago was a mission statement, but I was told it is too long. I do believe I may have the mission statement now. Pastures of Peace actively seeks to engage with horses and people where they are, to encourage each to discover their gifts and talents, to empower all to achieve self actualization, but most of all we want all people and horses who come to the ranch to experience the love and peace of Jesus. As I reread the statement, it is still a little rough. There will have to be some sanding and polishing of it.
Let's Get to It
5 years ago
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