Saturday, July 12, 2008

July 8, 2008


During 4-H night the members learned about acupuncture. We have a couple of horses that are suffering; they are having a hard time walking especially in the hind end. We have tried massage therapy and are now trying acupuncture and thought the members might benefit from seeing the treatment.

The girls took a look at the needles that were going to be put in the horse. They noticed that the needles are straight until a certain point where they begin looking liking a screw.

We are told that it will take at least 3 visits (one a week) to see any improvement. I am trying to be open minded about the whole process but I must admit that I am skeptical.

Here the acupuncturist inserts the needles. (Never fails no matter how much you brush a horse there always seems to be lots of hair and dust that show up when someone begins working on your horse.

I’ll keep you posted here if the horses show the dramatic improvement that is promised.

After the needles are inserted they are hooked up to a low voltage equipment that is used to stimulate the areas.


Pony Girl said...

WOW. I am sure that works, but I can not imagine how my horse would tolerate those needles! How were the demo horses? Do they sedate them first?
I have had accupuncture myself, and the needles sting when they go in, like a bug bite.

Anonymous said...

A.J. is such a sweet horse! I like the markings on his face. Maybe you can find find pictures in it, like the horse on Addy. Oh, I know what A.J. could stand for! Asteroid Jumper! How many 4-h members looked away when the needles went in? I know I would have!